EFT Intro: What It Is, How to Do It, and How to Use It
Posted by Dr. Joseph S Weiss
Have you heard about emotional freedom technique, or EFT, but don’t really understand what it is or what it’s for? Let’s do a brief EFT 101 session in order to better understand this technique and how tapping can provide relief from many different kinds of problems.
What is EFT?

How to Do EFT
EFT is based on ancient Chinese medicine that utilizes the meridians found on your body. There are specific points that when tapped have a direct impact on your body. These are the same points used for acupuncture, but instead of placing needles into your skin you simply tap the meridians with your fingers. It can be likened to acupressure. The steps of an EFT session include:
Identify: What is the problem that needs to be addressed? Mental block? Physical issue? Pain?
Test: You categorize how severe the problem is before the tapping session by assigning a number between 0-10.
Establish a Reassuring Phrase: This is a phrase that you will say during the session. It allows you to acknowledge that there is a problem while also accepting yourself.
Tap: You tap on specific points of your body in a particular sequence.
Re-test: After the tapping, you retest the severity of your problem to determine if there has been a reduction in your symptoms.
What’s the Point of the Tapping?
The tapping actually serves a purpose and is not some kind of placebo effect. The physical act of tapping creates stimulation for energy pathways in your body. These are the meridians mentioned above. There are over 300 meridian points located throughout your body. Tapping these points helps stimulates them, which in turn balances out the disruptions of energy in your body that are causing you problems.
Why the Reassuring Phrase?
The phrasing is important because it allows you to have something to focus on while tapping. It also reminds you that there is a problem but that you can still be accepting of yourself. This allows you to have an open mind and not become mentally closed-off.
EFT: How to Use It
There are several ways that you can use tapping, such as:
Before a major event such as a game, recital, presentation, or other activity that might cause stress or performance anxiety.
During a sporting event to treat a flare-up of pain or cramped muscles.
After a long day at the office to relieve tension and to relax.
As a physical rehabilitation tool for recovering from a previous injury.
The best part about tapping is that you can do it yourself. There are resources available online that can teach you the details of the technique so that you can practice it whenever you need to. You can also find therapists and coaches who can help you.
This EFT article only covers the basics. There is so much more that we can learn about how our physical and mental problems are connected and that there are specific things we can do, like tapping, to treat these issues and see immediate results. If you have been struggling with a particular issue, tapping may be the solution that you’ve been looking for.
Questions, Concerns, Thoughts?
I invite you to call me for a free 15 – minute phone consultation to discuss your specific needs and to answer any questions you have about anxiety, treatment and my practice. Please visit my website @ www.theanxietydocseattle.com or call me directly @ (206) 745-4933.
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